AdBlock for Opera 10
If you are like me and totally obsessed with Opera 10, but still a new user to the browser, then you might be wondering how to do a few things on it. One of my biggest problems was to get an Ad Block system up and running in the browser. A little web search gave me the way to do it.
Here are my notes:
- Opera requires you to save a java script file that does the adblocking for it. Â I found one here
- Save the file into a folder of your choice. Â I suggest creating a new folder as you will need to specify the folder not the file in future steps
- Open Opera and hit “Alt – P”
- In the corresponding dialog, click on the advanced tab
- Click on “JavaScript Options…”
- Hit “Choose” and navigate to the folder where you stored the file and hit “Ok”
- You might need to refresh the pages for the adblock to take effect.