Tech Hacks

Nexus 5 Not Booting: Possible Reasons & Solutions – Updated

UPDATE: There are multiple confirmations that the issue can be caused by using the wrong charger to charge the device. Nexus 5 comes with a different specification of the charger(particularly the cable for charging) and using alternate chargers might lead to the device not charging properly causing the issues.

Note: The solutions explained below can damage or brick your phone. Please exercise caution when implementing them. The author has tried most of these solutions but under expert supervision. If you are not sure about the solution please contact your Google Support

There seems to be a common problem in some Nexus 5 phones wherein the phone switches off and just refuses to start up. This happened to a colleague of mine too and here are my observations and possible solutions to the problem:
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There is unfortunately no tested common fix for this problem. Some solutions work on certain phones and on some phones none of them work. So cross your fingers and give these solutions a shot.
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Possible Solutions:

If the above solutions didnt work, here are some possible reasons for the problem occurring:

If your phone does not respond at all, request a replacement, if you cant get that(coz its out of warranty or any other reason) then try to figure out if it failed because of any of the above reasons.